From Burnt-Out Boss to Fearless CEO: The Mindset Makeover That Will Change Your Business (And Your Life)."

I'm Geoffrey, an entrepreneur and former burnt-out CEO turned mindset & performance coach. I understand the dark side of success well – the burnout, the imposter syndrome, the decision fatigue, the relentless pressure, the fear that one wrong move or decision could shatter everything.

I've not only survived the entrepreneurial high seas and made it through the storms, I've learned to embrace and harness their raw chaotic power to come out the other side, stronger and more resilient.

And I can show you how to do it as well.

From Burnt-Out Boss to Fearless CEO: The Mindset Makeover That Will Change Your Business (And Your Life)."

I'm Geoffrey, an entrepreneur and former burnt-out CEO turned mindset & performance coach.

I understand well the dark side of success – the imposter syndrome, the relentless pressure, the fear that one wrong move could shatter everything.

I've not only survived the entrepreneurial high seas and made it through the storms, I've also learned to embrace and harness that raw chaotic power and energy to come out the other side - stronger and even more powerful.

I can help you do it too.

Is this you?

Are You An Entrepreneur or Executive Who...

👉 Feels at times like a fraud even after hitting major milestones?

👉 Lies awake at night, terrified one wrong move or bad decision could ruin everything?

👉 Burns the candle at both ends, sacrificing your health and relationships for the sake of your business or career?

👉 Wonders often if there's more to success than just the numbers, the hustle, and the never-ending grind?

❗ If this resonates and sounds familiar, you're not alone. You're a driven achiever with a twist of a rebellious spirit, craving more than the status quo offers. But here is the thing - the inner battles are real. Burnout, Imposter Syndrome, Decision Fatigue, and the pressure to constantly prove yourself... it's exhausting.

Your Mindset: The Secret Weapon You're Not Maximizing

I've been there. I know the struggle firsthand. As a serial entrepreneur who's built and sold multiple businesses, I've weathered the storms and come out of each one stronger. And here's what I learned: Your mindset is the MASTER KEY to freedom, happiness and unlocking your full potential.

Mindset mastery isn't fluff; it's your secret weapon. When you truly learn how to master it, I call it your Unfair Advantage. It's not just about positive thinking or “manifesting.” It's about rewiring your brain, silencing your inner critic, and developing the unshakeable mental resilience that will allow you to conquer any challenge.

My Approach: Mindset Mastery + Strategic Action

I'm not your average mindset coach. I blend real life experience, plus deep psychological insights with storm-tested business strategies to create a roadmap for your success that nourishes your soul, not just your bank account.

Together, we'll:

Confront your fears head-on: Expose any self-sabotaging patterns that are holding you back and address them.

Develop unshakeable confidence: Make bold decisions, own your worth, and step into your power as a leader.

Create a sustainable rhythm: Ditch the hustle and embrace a flow state where work is energizing, not exhausting.

Align your business with your values: Build a legacy that makes a difference, not just a profit.

Don't Just Take My Word For It

I had the great fortune of meeting Geoff. He's been spot-on with his guidance, support, insight, relatability, and brings understanding and empathy.

Adam Barah

Founder / President

Suite Centric

Geoffrey is an excellent consultant. He has helped me and my team achieve better results. His experience of creating and growing companies is so key.

Nancy Martinez

Founder / President

LIVE 13.5

About Geoffrey

Meet Geoffrey: The Coach Who's

"Lived It"

Have you stopped to wonder what it takes to build a million dollar business, only to walk away from it all?

Well, I did it...more than once. But it wasn't until I faced a personal crisis that I realized the true cost of chasing success without tending to my inner world.

Today, I’m coach, guide, and mentor for entrepreneurs and executives who want more than just money and accolades. I’m the guide who has been where you are and also to where you want to go. The one you need to help navigate the storms of managing business, career and life, to rise above feelings of self-doubt, decision fatigue, burnout, and the relentless pressure to always perform or be perfect..

Geoffrey Schmidt

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